Saturday, December 12, 2015

Different resoures of help.

It's completely okay to ask for help, whether it is to a family member, a friend, a teacher... whoever you can trust and will be willing to listen or help. However, each person's situation is different, and for many reasons, there might be people who can't get help that way. Don't freak out, don't panic, because you can still get help

No matter what you're going through, you deserve to get help if you want to get help, if you need to get help. We all need help sometimes, that doesn't make us weak or attention seekers - that makes us humans. 

There are some things that we can get through by ourselves, nonetheless, other things, we can't overcome them alone. If you can get help by someone you can talk to face-to-face, it's the best option, without a doubt. Nevertheless, as I said, each person's situation is different, and you might not have the means to get that kind of help. How can you get help then? 

Firstly, one of the means of help that I find useful myself are self-help books. You don't need to pay any money, since in public libraries you can find some very useful books of many different topics that you might need help in. 

Also, the internet can be a great place to get help, if you know where to search. Samaritans7 Cups Of Tea, have at your disposition trained volunteers who are willing to listen. Those are only two examples, but there are many pages more who can offer you that kind of help.

If we continue on the Internet, I recommend you to check out Kati Morton's YouTube channel. She's a therapist who talks about many different mental health related topics and gives advice in many topics, you can even ask her in the #Q&As about any other topic you might need help in! (Some videos are subtitled in different languages)

And, to finish with, you can also get help by calling a hotline. I'll leave here some hotlines worldwide in case you need it. 

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